Lichens in Nature in Florida - Red Lichen and Green Lichen
Sea Turtle Release in Ponce Inlet, Florida

Pitcher Plants - Insectivores in Florida

A cool plant to check out the next time you are out on a family hike is the pitcher plant. The pitcher plant is an insect-eating plant. They are found in numerous areas throughout Florida. They can be in bloom with flowers well, and the white-top pitcher), so they may look a little different than the pictures I took below. Inside the pitcher plant, if you were to open it up, you would see all of the insects it has captured and is dining on. I did not open the pitcher plants in the  picture. It was opened for our viewing during one of my Florida Master Naturalist classe. Very interesting plant!

These pitcher plant pictures were taken on a hike at Bicentennial Yout Park in Volusia County:

Becentennial Park 141

Becentennial Park 142

Becentennial Park 143


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