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Sea Turtle Release in Ponce Inlet, Florida

 Today we took the kids to watch a sea turtle release in Ponce Inlet, Florida. We have taken them to the turtle releases several times before, so they know what to expect, but it is something that never gets old!

There were three large sea turtles released today. The sea turtles were injured or not doing well when found and rescued by the Marine Science Center. The great people there nurse them back to health, and then they set them free on/near the same beaches that they were originally found. It's a great thing to see and I'm so glad there are people who work in such fields!

I love seeing the sea turtles released. When they set them down near the edge of the water you can just sense how excited the sea turtle is that the sand and sea are right there, once again within reach. Freedom is something every living creature wants, and if sea turtles could speak we would hear them yelling "Freedom!" in Braveheart style as they hit the waves, swimming away quickly back to their life.

Two thumbs up to the Marine Science Center people for all they do to  help these sea turtles. And thanks for allowing the public to witness it, so we can share in that enjoyment and be reminded just how sweet freedom and living in natural habitats are.

Here is a video of one of the sea turtles being released today, as well as some pictures:

Turtle release 008

Turtle release 016

Turtle release 017

Turtle release 032

Turtle release 040



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