Florida Fighting Conch - A Vegetarian Shell - My favorite seashell
Ginnie Springs, Florida Review - High Springs

The Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum in Sanibel Island

As someone who loves seashells I was thrilled when we came across the Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum years ago. It's located on Sanibel Island, a place that we go every March just to collect seashells, because the shelling there is amazing!

Since discovering it we have stopped in several times over the years. We love the museum! There is an array of different kinds of seashells and you can learn so much from this place. Many shells on display, information galore, it's a place you don't want to miss if you will be in the area. Some of hte most beautiful seashells you will ever see in person can be found at the Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum. 

Another cool thing they have there is a children's room where there are hands-on items they can learn from. There is a touch tank with live seashells, so kids can learn about how seashells move around and what they look like when the animal is still in them. They also see displays of how seashells grow and more. They are great with teaching the kids about shells there!

Here are some pictures from one of our visits to the Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum in Sanibel Island. It's a great place to check out if you will be visiting Sanibel Island:

Sanibel Island 090

Sanibel Island 091

Sanibel Island 095

Sanibel Island 103

Sanibel Island 109

Sanibel Island 111

Sanibel Island 101


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