Levy Blue Springs / Bronson Blue Springs
If you area west of Ocala you may want to check out Levy Blue Springs, otherwise known as Bronson Blue Springs. Located in Bronson, Florida, Levy Blue Springs is a county park that is $2 per person to enter. There are picnic tables, a playground area, volleyball court, restrooms, and the springs.
The springs swimming area at Levy Blue Springs is crystal clear and beautiful! There are three entrance points around it, and the area is enclosed like a swimming pool, except for one end that goes out to the river. Two sets of stairs lead into the deeper water, and one set of stairs leads into a shallow area that is perfect for smaller children. There is also a jump platform for those who want to jump into the water.
Snorkeling over the spring head, which is a crevice where the water bubbles up, was great. We saw numerous turtles while there, as well as some fish. Off to the far end of the swimming area is a wooded area, where we saw otters swimming in the water.
The woman working there warned us that there are thefts at this park. She said parents will often drop their kids off with $2 each, leave them for the day, and they have no food with them. She said the kids will go around to tables and try to take food, or money to go to the concession stand to purchase food. If you go, keep this in mind, so that you don't leave valuables up on the picnic tables. The kids grabbing a PBJ sandwich is one thing, but grabbing your purse or wallet is another. Theft can happen at any springs (or beach) where your things are left unattended, so just keep it in mind.
We had a great time visiting Levy Blue Springs. It's a small park and the swimming area is not very big, but when we were there we only had maybe a dozen other people there at the same time (just a few families). Great way to cool off and explore another spring!
Here are pictures I took of Levy Blue Springs, otherwise known as Bronson Blue Springs, located at 4550 NE 94 Pl, Bronson, FL: